Adjusting to life with a newborn | 5 doula tips

You're probably wondering what a doula is, and how they can help you? A doula is a trained professional/ support person who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to you during pregnancy, labor and postpartum. They also provide education about pregnancy, labor and breastfeeding.
Doulas are trained in many areas including:

  • Labor support techniques such as massage, acupressure/acupuncture and breathing techniques that help you feel more relaxed during labor so that you can focus on your birth experience instead of pain management;

  • Comfort measures like back rubs or foot massages when needed;

  • Helping with decisions about medical interventions like epidurals or cesarean sections (C-sections);

  • Helping with breastfeeding issues such as latch problems or supply issues;

One of the main worries we hear from clients is regarding how they will adjust once baby arrives and how they can prepare. We put together five tips from your favorite doula team.

Adjusting to Life With a Newborn

Tip 1: Get Enough Sleep

The first step to getting enough sleep is to make it a priority. If your baby is sleeping, take advantage of that time and get some rest yourself. If you're breastfeeding, try to nurse before bed so that you can get some uninterrupted shut-eye afterwards.

If all else fails and you still find yourself feeling exhausted after putting in long days with your newborn, consider using sleep aids like melatonin (after speaking with your healthcare provider) or adding items such lavender essential oil (on feet or diffused before naps) lastly an epson salt soak to your daily routine. You may also want to consider hiring a doula who specializes in helping new parents get more restful nights' sleep!

Tip 2: Stay Well Nourished and Hydrated

  • Eat a balanced diet. It's easy to fall into the trap of eating junk food when you're exhausted and stressed out, but this can lead to weight gain and health problems down the road. Instead, try to eat foods that are high in protein and fiber--like lean meats, beans, nuts and seeds--and make sure to get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables too!

  • Drink plenty of water every day. Nursing mothers need at least eight glasses (64 ounces) per day; if you're breastfeeding exclusively or pumping regularly for your baby then it's important for both your health as well as his/hers that you drink enough fluid throughout each day so that both mommy AND baby stay properly hydrated!

  • If possible, avoid caffeine drinks such as coffee or tea because they will interfere with sleep patterns which can lead directly back into exhaustion mode again without realizing why exactly we were feeling tired all over again...

Tip 3: Take Time for Yourself

*Schedule Time for Self-Care
*Take a Break from Social Media
*Ask for Help

Tip 4: Ask for Help

Ask for Help.
It's not always easy to ask for help, but it's important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. Your partner, family and friends will be there to support you throughout your pregnancy, labor and delivery--and beyond! If they can't be there in person (or if it would be helpful), consider hiring a doula or midwife who can provide hands-on assistance during labor as well as postpartum care. You may also want to consider joining an online community where other new parents share their experiences with each other so they don't feel isolated during this time of transition into parenthood.

If possible, take time each day for self-care so that when things get busy around the house with baby activities or errands outside of home life becomes stressful; instead of snapping at someone else because they've done something wrong try taking five minutes alone somewhere quiet where no one else will bother her/himself by thinking about what went wrong earlier today before going back out again.

A postpartum doula can help you transition into this new part of your life and be an unbiased source of support and help. Your in home professional One Love postpartum doula can help with meal prep, newborn care, lactation and feeding support, light housekeeping and more!

Contact us today to learn more!

Tip 5: Connect with Other Parents

Connecting with other parents who have recently gone through the same experience can be incredibly helpful for adjusting to life with a newborn. Joining a support group, attending a mom and baby class, or simply chatting with other parents at the park can provide a sense of community and validation for the challenges you may be facing.

In addition to providing emotional support, other parents may have practical tips and tricks for managing daily tasks with a newborn. They may also be able to recommend local resources such as lactation consultants or pediatricians.
Don't be afraid to reach out and connect with others who can relate to your experience as a new parent. It can make all the difference in feeling supported and confident in your new role.

Reach Out To One Love

You may be thinking, “Where can I find a doula near me?”  We provide Tampa doula support & Miami doula support, childbirth education, placenta encapsulation, in-home postpartum doula care, specialized lactation support by our CLC’s and IBCLC’s and birth photography for:

  • Tampa, St Petersburg

  • Land O’ Lakes

  • Lakeland

  • Plant City

  • Downtown Tampa

  • … and more!

Virtual services also available, let’s plan for your amazing birth and postpartum journey.

All with,

One Love