What is a Concierge Pediatrician? An At-Home Pediatrician Might Be For You!

We sat with Dr. Lastra, owner of @head2toepediatrics, and it was such a treat learning about her Concierge Pediatric services. Concierge pediatric services offer the same services as an in-office pediatrician but with all the benefits of being accessible in one’s home. It’s a brand new concept that is in high demand, so here’s the low down on concierge pediatrician services in your area!


Concierge or In-Person, did you know you can interview your pediatrician? 

If your baby already has a pediatrician or if you’re pregnant and want to establish a relationship with a new pediatrician, asking to interview your pediatrician is a great way to know if they are a good fit. Not all offices offer this benefit, but a concierge pediatrician does!  The first step is to take a look at the different pricing packages, read about their company philosophies, and request a phone call or Zoom meeting for your meeting. 

Concierge pediatricians work directly with the families instead of going through insurance. This is a great option if you don’t have insurance or if you want to fill in gaps of your insurance provider!  


Benefits of A Concierge Pediatrician to a New Mom and New Baby

It is way more comfortable and less time consuming to have the pediatrician come to your home, instead of going into the MD office. Newborn packages allow you and your baby to stay at home, so you don’t have to increase the exposure of your new baby to the world. The first two months are critical for your child and having an established at-home pediatrician to call is so comforting to have on hand.  

Plus, if you have any questions - you’re not going to get a voicemail like a regular doctor’s office! If you have any questions, you can reach out their services any time of day with 24/7 access.  

What To Expect in At-Home Pediatrician Visits

Pediatrician visits can occur for regular wellness checkups or to address a sickness. Did you know that for the first year of life, a baby needs 10-12 checkups?! An at-home pediatrician will be able to bring the tools of a regular newborn doctor right to your home. With tools like height and head circumference measuring tools, tools to check for respiratory symptoms, and more - no ask is too large or too small! You can even get different checks like virus swabs and blood work right in the comfort of your own home. 


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