Midwife Benefits: Why I Chose A Midwife

Midwife Benefits: Why I Chose A Midwife


After becoming a Registered Nurse, I viewed healthcare, birth and the birth process differently. Some of the things that motivated me to become a Nurse were that of bedside care and being able to truly provide emotional and physical support to my patients. Fast forward to the news of our fourth pregnancy and this being such a life changing event for my family. We had been baby free for over five years, the starting all over fear- was real! I knew I wanted personalized prenatal care, I wanted to attend my prenatal appointments and be greeted by someone who knew my name and I wanted my entire family involved in the process.I turned to Google and began the search of my options and quickly learned of the home birth option for the birth of our child. My husband and I sat with local Midwives, settled all our doubts, and made the best decision for us. We chose to receive prenatal care by a home birth Midwife with delivery in our home. This experience was life changing and truly brought us all closer as a family. Our love and respect for that of Midwifery care continues. I enjoy listening to my husband talk about our home birth from his perspective, he describes our Midwives with such honor and pride as well as appreciation for all they do.A Midwife benefits you by letting you discuss all your feelings during your prenatal visits, all the while making sure your baby is growing and developing on target, and provide you with education at your level. A Midwife will wipe your tears when you're having a hard time with the huge baby bump. A Midwife will answer the weirdest of questions at any given time of the day. A Midwife will complete your postpartum visit in the comfort of your bed. A Midwife will let your toddler "listen to the baby brother or sister" during prenatal appointments. A Midwife works thru the night supporting families deliver their babies, then quickly meets you in the morning with huge smiles and tight hugs for a prenatal. A Midwife truly believes in you when you do not believe in yourself, and reminds you of your inner strength during pregnancy, delivery and beyond. A Midwife lets you visit her when your baby becomes a toddler for a quick photo to include in their milestone album. A Midwife is a partner for life. For all these reasons, and more is why, I as a Registered Nurse chose a Midwife to assist in the birth of my fourth and fifth child. My only wish is that I knew my options for baby one thru three, but the plus side is that my children were witnesses of this kind of personalized care and will hopefully choose a Midwife in the future. The amount of midwife benefits I experienced firsthand were overwhelming.